Wednesday 17 February 2016

WISE Challenge: Marshmallow and Spaghetti Tower!

Room 6 completed our first W.I.S.E. challenge. We had to build the tallest tower with marshmallow and spaghetti, without eating them, and our tower had to be freestanding for at least 10 seconds.

We Worked together: listening to our buddy, sharing our ideas and helping each other.
We Inquired: thinking about how to make it strong and tall.
We Self managed: working quietly, following instructions, being tidy and finishing on time.
We were Enthusiastic: encouraging each other, not giving up and having fun!!!


  1. Wow Room 6!!!!!! I love you Marshmallow and Spaghetti Towers, you all had some fantastic and different building/creating ideas. Awesome work!!! Keep it up =)

  2. Thanks Sarah. Mrs Kim had extra marshmallow for us to eat at the end of the day!
