Thursday 24 November 2016

Assembly #4

'Wombat Goes Walkabout'...
What amazing performance on a fabulous story! SO proud of you, Room 6!

Assembly #3

'Under the Boardwalk' by Room 6's fabulous 'Ukulele Club'! :)

Assembly #2

'Kei te Peke Ahau' with playing, singing and doing actions!

Assembly #1

Tūtira mai ngā iwi
Line up together, people
All of us, all of us. 
Stand in rows, people 
All of us, all of us.
Seek after knowledge
and love of others - everybody!
Call ourselves one people,
And stay united. 
All of us, all of us.
All of us, all of us!!

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Water and Colour Experiment

Room 6 had a great time, enjoying our first experiment with water and colour. We all had a very good look like good scientists do!

We left them overnight and the next morning we found that we made secondary colours again after we had done our wonderful 'Colour Wheel'. The water 'walked up' the paper towel and got into the middle cup, creating the secondary colour. Fun! :)


We had a very exciting visit from Merryn and Richard from SPCA, Canterbury. We learnt what SPCA means and what they do. We also learnt that animals need the things that people need as well; like love, water, food, shelter, friends/family and exercise.